ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Entrepreneurial Programme in the rural sector: 11th and 12th September 2012

As part of the August 2012 festival a series on entrepreneurial programmes will be held in the primary rural sector. The objective is to raise awareness of the incorporation of new enterprises and increasing the value of our agrarian production.

11th and 12th September Schedule: 5pm – 8:30pm

Place: Multipurpose church of Quintanilla de la Ribera, next to Rivabellosa.


- Presentation

- Resources, generation of ideas

- Growing Fruit

- Action steps for implementation


- Aids and public support

- Legislation

- Exhibition Experiences:

• Beer of Naparbier from Navarra

• Queseria Zaballa from the Valle de Losa

• Sidreria Askartza, de Treviño

Tasting Products

Date of Determination:

There will be technical visits to get to know the representative initiatives, and a survey will be carried out to know the interests of the participants to complete their visit.


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