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A fair in Valderejo Natural Park, Valdegovía

Next Wednesday, 12th October, a traditional fair will take place in Valderejo National Park. The fair will go on throughout the morning (10am – 2pm). Come join in the fun!

The Valderejo Traditional Fair will take place tomorrow (12th October) between 10am and 2pm. The fair will be a fascinating demonstration of the trades and traditions of our ancestors, which have disappeared from the modern world. It will include the employment, customss and tools of the bygone inhabitants of the valley, giving us an insight into their day-to-day life.

The event promises to be very interesting, given that the vast majority of these jobs and traditions have disappeared with the passage of time, owing to the forward march of technology. It´s a great way to recover lost customs and to look into the past to understand the everyday lives of our ancestors.


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