ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Are you having trouble connecting to the Internet, or problems with digital TV or mobiles? We´re here to help.

ADR Añana has joined “Dinamizatic Rural”: a project to promote the above technologies, which is already well-established in other rural areas.

The goal of the programme is to support information and communication technologies in the entire region of Añana, in keeping with the project´s overall aim of promoting and facilitating the inclusion of disadvantaged rural territories in the modern Information Society.

One of our activities is to give free help and advice for connection problems. Consequently:

1) If you don´t know how to connect to the Internet in the middle of the countryside: by means of wimax, adsl, satellite, mobile phone…

2) If you have poor mobile signal.

3) If your television is badly tuned

Give us a call and we´ll give you advice tailored to your needs and location. We´ve created a map of networks, so that you can work out the best company and type of technology for your location.

Contact us:


Telephone: 619 01 51 52

You can also give us your opinion on the blog, where you can join in an open conversation about this topic.


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