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Paramotor and microlight focus at Valdegovía: September 9, 10 and 11 September

On the 9th, 10th and 11th of September 2011 Valdegovía is organizing paragliding and microlight. It will also include a test for Euskadi Championship paramotoring.

The gathering will take place next to the Palace Tower Varona and you can register for it through the Tourist Office (tel# 945353040/ We encourage anyone to attend the event and it will be fun for all.

Organizers: Hosteleros Valdegovía

Program of activities

September 9th

19 to 21 hours: Reception of registered

21 hours: meet and greet at Kabana Bar in the village The Mirror

September 10th

7:30 : Reception - Briefing

8:00: Begin testing Paramotor Euskadi Championship

10:00: Exhibition of airplane equipment

11:00: Introduction of ultralight

11:30: Medieval walk to Villanañe

14:00: Tasting Valdegovía potatoes with chorizo

18:00: Guided tour of Varona Tower

20:00: End of event

22:00: Association dinner in the Neithea restaurant in Boveda city

September 11th Day

8 hours: Reception - Briefing

8:30 am: Start of event, begin the Paramotor Euskadi Championship

10 hours: Exhibition of airplane equipment

11 hours: Introduction of the ultralight

17 hours: End of course

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