ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Using the containers in a proper way: cooperate with the environment

Newly, the City of Valdegovía appeals to the good use of containers which are in the recycling points in each village in the municipality.
It has improved the use of these containers, but there is still a lot to do.

Any person carrying debris, yard waste or other waste material to recycling points in our towns can notice that it is often impossible to get close to these containers because the whole area is jammed with poorly placed waste.

If you´re still mixing yard waste (clippings and cuttings) with construction debris or electrical appliances, remember to take into account that there are containers for each type of waste. These containers have a clear purpose for separating the different types of waste to facilitate treatment. Thus, it is important that each waste goes to the correct container.

Not following proper procedure has caused the economic cost of mixed waste management to increase significantly.

Thus, we ask all for cooperation in the proper use of the containers, per the details at the disposal site. We must all help to dispose of waste properly by properly separating the waste and by avoiding more drastic localized solutions such as dumping.


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