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Valdegovía Potato Festival, 20th February 2011, in Espejo

The next 20th Fefruary, a Sunday, the 19th Valdegovía Potato Festival will take place. This time the festival will be celebrated in Espejo.

At the festival you will find out about the excellent quality of potatoes from Álava and specifically of its production in Valdegovía. The climatic conditions have made it so that the potatoes from Valdegovía are recognised for its quality. In fact, it is one of the few areas in Spain that have registered potato farms. The Valdegovía Potato Festival is celebrated every other year and held in different villages within Valdegovía such as Bóveda, Espejo and Villanueva.

This year the festival will be celebrated in Espejo and starts at 10am with an opening exhibition at which you’ll be introduced to all the craftsmen of Valdegovía and other people from the area, and where you will find products such as bread, cold meats, cheese, handicrafts etc.

At the festival, and at the public’s disposal is 20,000 kg of Kenneberc potatoes and also varieties such as Baraka, Kondor or Jaerla, perhaps less known but equally exquisite. The potatoes are also taken from certified potato farms.

On this day between the main scheduled activities, we can enjoy Campeonato de Aizkolaris and popular food tasting based on potato inspired recipes.

Of course if you decide to stay and eat in Valdegovía, we recommend that you visit the restaurant section of our website; you will find very interesting suggestions.

This year we return with the presence of NEIKER – TECNALIA with a series of talks on the diversity of potatoes in Valdegovía and applying technology to farming. NEWCO will appear; a technologic based company created under the protection of the knowledge that NEIKER – TECNALIA have acquired for farming potatoes. It will also have an exhibition showing all that NEIKER – TECNALIA is testing in the best potato fields.

To liven up the party we perform with the Banda de Salinas and do a one-legged foot race.

For the kids we prepare bouncy castles, theatre workshops and if there is time, we see spectacular hot-air balloons flying in the sky.


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