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Workshop on alternative agricultural and rural development: an experience in Aramaio

On Tuesday 30 November we have in Villanueva de Valdegovía a conference on rural development alternatives. Learn first-hand experience of production and transformation that is living in Aramaio around the union of small farmers and ranchers.

Study the possibility of moving the initiative and see Añana Valdegovía and diagnostic conclusions ICT in the region of Valles Alaveses and the possibility of exploiting the opportunities of new technologies in rural development.

• 18.00 to 19.00 h.: "Production and direct sales of farm produce: a practical experience in Aramaio"

• 19.00 to 20.00 h.: "Local Agenda 21 Forum. Action Plan Update: incorporating ICT Diagnostic findings ADR Añana "

For more information call 619015152 (Alfredo) or write to

This is an ADR Añana initiative in collaboration with Mendinet and Associationsof Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía.


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