ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Conference about Barnetegi Tecnológico at 11, november at 8 p.m in Villanueva

The next day, 11 november at 8 in the afternoon we have a chat to publish a Barnetegi Tecnológico which we organize especially for persons of our region.

The Barnetegi Tecnológico is a intensive course about topics of the Internet, new tecnologies which permit you to connect yourself with the Internet and the new tecnologies the whole day. The format of the intensive course takes place in an isolated environment to enjoy the available time.

The course is divided into various sessions which include coffee breaks and work dinner and a “digital night” which will be after the dinner for those who will sleep in an own place and use Gadget from our new technologies.

We organised a Barnetegi Tecnológico the days 2 and 3 of December in 2010.

We propose the Barnetegi Tecnológico to our associate and to our residences in Valdegovía and communities under influence of the ADR Añana in Arcos of Quejana in Ayala.


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