ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Offer of Mobile calls, Terabox and music with ADSL by MoviStar

In many of the rural areas where we move us those who have ADSL by phone have like a treasure. So that many of us have ADSL by phone of 3MB or superior.

By phone, or better to say MoviStar, launched an offer which could be interesting for all of you. These are the offers gratis for those who dispose of ADSL of 3MB or superior:

- Fixed calls to mobile phone at the week ends: gratis with a maximum of 500 minutes per month to every operator. To enlist yourself you have to phone 1004 or at

- Terabox: extern disc of accumulator of 100 GB which allows to keep the extern indication and to realize copies of security programmes and share data file. The space is very interesting. To activate it:

- Music: at pixbox you can abreact yourself till 4 million songs. To activate it at

If you need any help or more information you can contact the creators TIC of the area via mail or contact by phone 619015152.


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© 2009 ADEV · Arquitecto Jesús Guinea 46 · 01426 Villanueva de Valdegovía (Álava)