ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Photograph and video competition: send us your photos

If you like photography, we invite you to participate in the Valdegovía and Añana photography and video competition.

Send us all the photos that you have of Valdegovía. We would like to publish them on in order to advertise our region. We will accept any type of photos and videos, current and old in the following categories:

- Villages of Valdegovía and Añana

- Holidays, festivals, processions

- People and tradesmen

- Countryside, flora and fauna

- Artistic photos

We have various prizes on offer for the winning photos and videos in each category. In each category there will be 2 prizes consisting of a meal for 2 people in one of the restaurants in Valle, 2 nights stay for two people in one of the region’s rural hotels and horseback riding and a canoeing excursion in Sobrón.

The photos and videos can be submitten in digitial or paper form to the Valdegovía Tourist Office, or sent by email to

This is an initiative of the association of businesses and hotels in Valdegovía and the surrounding region.


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© 2009 ADEV · Arquitecto Jesús Guinea 46 · 01426 Villanueva de Valdegovía (Álava)