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Potatoes, apples and pears in Valdegovía: natural products on sale

September is traditionally harvest time so visiting Valdegovía during this month is a fantastic opportunity to see the potato harvesters in full flow.

This is a popular destination during the most interesting season of the year with vibrantly coloured fields and of course, the chance to enjoy the array of delicious local products - potatoes, fruit, mushroom and game in any of the restaurants in Valdegovía and Añana.

If you want to buy fresh, natural products, now is the time. Most products are produced locally such as potatoes, which are sold directly to consumers in 25kg sacks. Thanks to soil conditions, height and climate, potatoes produced in Valdegovía are amongst the best, if not the best in Álava. From Bóveda to Espejo through to Corro or Villanueva, you can find potato farmers offering amazing prices especially at this time of year.

If you are a fan of fruit which is ripe, natural and sustainably grown, we suggest you visit the town of Corro where the Orive family (tel: +34 945 35 33 13) have sold their pears and apples to visitors for over 20 years. In 2010 the fruit harvest was particularly bountiful and now you can enjoy the taste and aroma of the various types of pear (Duquesa, Ercolini, Decana del Comicio, Conferencia…). For only 70 cents you can enjoy a kilo of fruit produced at 500 m above sea level in climatic conditions resulting in a special and unique taste.

There are many reasons why you should visit Valdegovía this autumn.


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