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Sociocultural Workshops in Valdegovía 2012-2013

This year the service for Sociocultural Animation at the townhall in Valdegovia would like to offer everyone a great range of sociocultural workshops which will run from October to June.

We hope that it will be of interest to you.

 Basque

 English for Children

 Bolillos

 Handicrafts

 Ceramics

 Encuadernación Artesanal

 Guitarra

 Aerobics

 Gym Maintenance

 Aqua Gym

Registration and Information:

- Until the 21st September

- In the Public Library of Valdegovía or by calling 945 353042

- Minimum number of people: 8

- Cost of the Course: 90 euros/ Registered

- 110 €/Non registered

(The registration will be formalized with the deposit in the bank account. No refunds can be made once the transaction has been completed.)



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