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Classical Music Concert on the 28th July at 7:70pm in Villanueva

On Saturday 28th July at 7:30pm, in the Plenary Hall in the town hall in Valdegovía, the following programme can be enjoyed:

CLAUDE DEBUSSSY (1862-1918) quartet in g minor or ANTON WEBERN (1883-1945). A slow string quartet (1905) and MAURICE RAVEL (1875-1937) quartet in F major. The Isasi quartet has its origin in the Cuarteto Novalis created in 2003 in Munich by german musicians from prestigious professionals like el Cherubini quartet and the Alt-Wien Quartet.
The quartet Isasi expreses a fusion between the profound and complex musical german culture and the lyricism and southern sensualities, like the quartets of Andrés Isasi who are actually recording for the Naxos International label.

With a consistant common objective of providing a spiritual dimension with its interpretations, the quartet Isasi dedicates in a special way the romantic and postromantic, german and austrian repertoire, french and russian composers of the XIX century until the present day. The actual members of the Isasi quartet are featured soloists, camaristas and teachers of higher education.

The Isasi quartet is performed regularly in concerts and festivals in Gemany, Austria, France, Spain in collaboration with contemporary composers and recordings for german radio and television (BR). AUSTRIAN (ORF) and Spanish (RNE, Solidaria TV, CRTVG and Localia.


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