ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

Valdegovia enchants

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Excursion to Laredo on the 24th July

We will leave Espejo at 9am and go by bus to go to Laredo to spend a day on the beach.

The journey only includes the bus journey and so the day is free for you to do whatever you want. We will leave Laredo at 6pm to return to the town.

PRICE: 10 €

TO BOOK A PLACE (945 35 30 40)

• On the 6th and 8th July only trips can be booked to Valdegovía

• From the 8th July visits away from Valdegovía can be booked


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© 2009 ADEV · Arquitecto Jesús Guinea 46 · 01426 Villanueva de Valdegovía (Álava)