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Potato Fair 2012 Programme: Villanueva de Valdegovía (Álava), 12th February 2012

The 20th annual Valdegovía Potato Fair will take place in the Villanueva de Valdegovía district on Sunday, 12th February 2012.

At the fair, 30,000kg of potatoes will be available to buy. A wide range of varieties will be available, including Kennebec, Monalisa, Agria and Spunta, and all produce is high-quality and locally-produced. They will be sold in 25kg sacks at 8€/sack.

This year, the following will receive the HOMENAJE award for the work that they have done for Valdegovía: Jose María Beltrán de Salazar Varona (Cárcamo), the first democratically-elected mayor of the Valley of Valdegovía; and Jesús Pérez de Viñaspre, a doctor working in Villanueva de Valdegovía in the 1970s, a much-loved and respected figure in the Valley.

Among the main activities planned for the day, is the semifinal of the pairs’ aizkolaris (traditional Basque sport) tournament (for the Eusko Label prize)

The popular GASTRONOMIC SAMPLING, organized by Boilur in this year’s fair, will consist of potatoes with txitxikis (Basque chorizo) and will be for 1,500 people.

NEIKER-Tecnalia will take part in this year’s Potato Fair, setting up a stand in which they will explain their potato-related projects for the coming year: their agronomic evaluation of the different varieties, the creation of new varieties and selection and multiplication

NEIKER-Tecnalia is also putting on an event for children, so that they too can take part and get to know our beloved potato. Children will be able to enjoy planting micro-tubers of potato in small flower pots.

Neiker will also put on a talk directed at farmers and agricultural technicians, entitled: “A NEW NORMATIVE: WHAT DIRECTS US IN OUR USE OF TREATMENTS ON OUR CROPS”

This talk will be organised by Amaia Ortiz Barredo of Neiker-Tecnalia, and will take place in the Valdegovía Municipal Library at 11:30.

Another important event is our much-anticipated CRAFTS FAIR, which will include some 80 stalls.

FARMERS’ MARKET, in which local producers from Valdegovía and Añana will be selling their homemade honey, bread, cheese, beans…

To bring the fun to the festival, we’ll have the Salinas Band and street ANIMATION with giants and a musical bike.

For the CHILDREN, we’ll have bouncy castles, playpens and weather permitting we’ll have a magnificent hot-air balloon flying overhead.



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