ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Find out your pulmonary age and stop smoking

All smokers in Valle de Valdegovia can find out their pulmonary age at the Villanueva Health Centre (whether they are a patient there or not) on 1st February, 10:00-13:00.

The health professionals at the centre have organised an open day aimed at all smokers in the area, so that they can find out to what extent they are addicted to nicotine, and to what extent their lungs have been affected by their habit.
All interested will be able to take a free addiction test which will indicate the degree of their addiction, a co-oximetry to detect their loss of oxygenation and a pulmonary age examination. Thus, they will be able quickly to receive personalised medical advice.

Every smoker who attends will find out to what extent tobacco has damaged their health, knowlede which will help them decide whether to give up smoking.



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