ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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20th December. Rural development workships: help for entrepreneurs, famers’ market.

At 6pm next Tuesday 20th December, a workshop will take place in the Valdegovía City Library in which we will tackle topic such as grants for upcoming entrepreneurs, the local farmers’ market initiative and the creation of new websites for the locailty which will include online shops, in which all local producers and businesses might sell their wares.

Entrace is open and free, and new entrepreneurs and those starting up new business projects are especially advised to come. Local businesses and producers who wish to find out about the local market and online sales might also find the workshop of interest.


- 6:00 – 7:00. Presentation by Leader Programme, which supports new entrepreneurs and promotes agricultural diversification. Grants and subsidies for entrepreneurs. Analysis of
Julían López, director of ADR Añana.

- 7:00 – 7:30. Regional Farmers’ Market. Presentation and information about the first market.

Mila Madinabeitia OT Valdegovía

- 7:30 – 8:00. Presentation on online sales on, and discussion of the www.añ project.

Gorka Barrenengoa

- 8:00 – 9:00 Incorporation of Agenda 21 in the Citizens’ Forum. The forum’s Action Plan will be updated with the new initiatives

Invigorator: Juanjo Angulo. Valdegovía City Council.

The organisers are grateful for the collaboration of Ihobe, Valdegovía City Council, Dinamizatic Rural and ADR Añana. The workshop forms a part of the Citizens’ Forum of the Valdegovía Local Agenda 21.



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