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Valdegovía Potato Fair 2012 to take place in Villanueva, Valdegovía on 12th Febuary

The date of this year’s traditional Valdegovía Potato Fair has been officially confirmed as Sunday, 12th February. It will take place in Villanueva, Valdegovía.

The day’s programme of activities has not yet been confirmed, but we will certainly have the chance to sample various different recipes based around Valdegovía potatoes and buy such exceptional quality potatoes to try at home.

The fair starts at 10am, and boasts such attractions as an old-fashioned market, traditional sports, potato conferences and exhibitions and many other activities for all the family

Thanks to its favourable climate and soil type, Valdegovía produces excellent potatoes worthy of the best tables and recipes.

Come along on Febuary 12th 2011. The weather promises to be perfect.


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