ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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A plan for Silo de Espejo

A few months ago, we mentioned the possibility of coming up with an alternative plan for the Silo de Villamaderne/Espejo. In recent weeks, we have received a wide range of your ideas and suggestions, and we’ve drawn up a design for an open, but very concrete proposal about what to do with the silo.

These are the basic ideas that we’ve come up with, and which you can read about in more detail in the attached document.

We’re planning to present this proposal to all the regional councils to start a serious debate about what we can do to support entrepreneurs in Valdegovia with the setting up of their projects, and whether it’s worth the trouble designating the silo as a space for agricultural purposes.

In summary, we’ve taken into consideration four possible uses.

1- The creation of a “business nursery” for new entrepreneurs and small businesses.

2- A local farm and crafts shop, which would bring producers and consumers closer together. The small shop would have facilities for exhibitions and a small museum.

3- The creation of a cooperative between small producers, along the lines of the successful model that is being tested in other areas in Álava, such as Aramaio (products including cider, preserves, sunflower oil, ready meals…)

4- A fruit, vegetable and local produce market.

Each of these proposals would keep the carácter, values and uniqueness of the site.

Let us know your opinion on our BLOG

Memoria Silo.pdf


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