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Tourism and Hospitality course in Rivabellosa: book your place for the 11th and 28th November

The Añana regional council is organizing two days of workshops centred around the tourism and hospitality sector. These could be of interest to everyone:

Types of clients and their behaviour (Attention to detail / A programme for hosts)

Date: 14/11/2011

Location: Rivabellosa Community Centre

Time: 16:00 - 20:00.

Objective: To distinguish between different types of clients and to learn how to behave towards them accordingly.

Key ideas

• Increased expectations

• Changes in the behaviour of clients

• The satisfaction of expectations.

Information Technology: from technological saturation to a practical application.

Date: 28/11/2011

Location: Rivabellosa Community Centre

Time: 9:00 - 12:00.

Objective: To assess the potential tools that technology offers us and to distinguish which might be useful to us.

Key ideas

• The opportunity to get to know the new tools offered by the new generation of technology, e.g. social networks.

• Out of all of these tools, which might help me to get my tourist business/destination off the ground…?

If you are interested in attending, we ask you to sign up with the Añana regional council. Contact us on 945 35 50 89 or alternatively email us:, remembering to include your name and surnames, national identity number and contact telephone number and email.


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