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The recovery efforts of varieties in Valdegovía

In November 2010 we organized a conference in Valdegovía Rural Development, in which we addressed the issues of transforming the agricultural products of Valdegovía. One of the speakers, Aurelio Robles is currently doing excellent work for agricultural recovery and native varieties reseach in Valderejo Valdegovía

On the 22nd of May, the Diario de Noticias de Álava published an interesting article about the recovery efforts of ecological varieties and the possibilities offered as an alternative agricultural product. We include:

Published in the Diario de Noticias:

When Eve gave Adam an apple of Eden to tempt was aware that the forbidden fruit was irresistible. Something similar happens in Valderejo Natural Park, which has now regained all its glory thanks to the rediscovery of some of its greatest gems. Nearly a dozen native species of fruit trees that gave splendor to this environment Alava in his time and had forgotten. Or rather in the bush.
Because the orientation of the activity in the area to farming and agricultural activities, rural migration and changing eating habits led to what was once a treasure meant for the neighbors happen to be regarded as an obligation that was finally abandoned. Decades later, the Parks Division of the Provincial Council of Álava saw the need to value this heritage and it launched a project to carry out the conservation and protection of plant treasures in the province.
Five years later, the result is the recovery of an Eden in the nature of Valderejo, local fruit to eat has become a delight for the senses. And all thanks to a group Euskadi Seed Network led by the social anthropologist Ixone Fernández de Labastida, the biologist and environmental technician Jaime Ortiz de Urbina, and agronomist Aurelio Robles.

Of course I have not worked alone. For who can learn about the values of the area to its own people? For this reason, a network of neighbors has helped locate 164 specimens have been known for its life and its value was unknown. These findings have been a pleasant surprise for the experts, as the Nature Park has been traditionally Valderejo fruit.

The fact is that this area was inhabited during the 50´s and 60´s and this led to a huge loss of agro-genetic heritage. However, the exodus to the capital in search of new opportunities of life in a particularly tough time economically and socially also allowed foreign species were not included in the district. The result, a place full of opportunities in the form of apples, pears, cherries, Arganzón, currant, plum, quince, walnuts, grapes, persimmons, hazelnuts and blackberries. Copies of all of them are already in a safe place in both the local gene bank in the Public University of Navarra. There is no possibility that forgetting causes extinction.

Plants for the future, sometimes centuries old, that have accompanied the neighbors and, above all, he served as a place to rest and refuel for the stomach on trips around this beautiful landscape. Precisely this possibility of looking back to reclaim the treasures offered by the park and customs that was done in the area is what has led to Aurelio Robles to consider options for the future. "We found very interesting varieties like Arganzón and medlar, which are disappearing, or mulberry, which is not typical of this area. We are multiplying and thinking species that allocate wealth to attract young people who want to find an alternative there "said Robles.

Options offered by the recovery of old customs and old species of rural development Valdegovía Valley is immense. Not surprisingly, the Natural Park of Valderejo receives annually between 50,000 and 60,000 visits from people who could not find on their arrival in the region not a single place to enjoy typical local products.

So, already thinking about the possibility that some people in the region acquire these fruit varieties and are dedicated to its operation. This would not only generate wealth Valley citizens but also set in the rural population, which is one of the objectives of the institutions to keep the best and cheapest land managers in history.

In fact, is preparing the option of providing interested parties of these species native to serve as complementary to the regular income or at best, as a way of life. Could be offered to visitors and indigenous natural products such as fruit, or processed as jam. This initiative has been welcomed by neighbors even though the problems of farmers who are interested in joining this venture will focus on the second phase. And is that in order to bring the fruits of development processes are necessary machinery and some registries that represent a high investment. For this reason, already considering the possibility of requesting assistance to the Government for supporting this project and can move forward.

This idea is again to value native species, moreover, is best suited to provide optimum results in this area since they are adapted to local growing conditions and, therefore, are more resistant to pests and diseases. These qualities are precisely those which are also open another area for expansion. And is that they provide optimal conditions for boosting the production of certain traditional varieties organically, by its ability to survive without chemicals.

But gardening reference to these alternatives for rural development for the Valley of Valdegovía go ahead or not, the foundations are now in place. And it is that a selection of trees and shrubs are already found in an orchard located in Lalastra reference, near the Park Interpretation Centre. The resort has 82 copies for 15 different species. A site of 1.3 hectares to show the public the fruit diversity of this environment and the habits, customs and culture associated with the varieties grown there.

And just to extend this knowledge, the director of the Project called Valderejo, Aurelio Robles, already thinking of ways to disclosure. First, with the publication of a diptych in which information will be provided to follow a path itinerant fruit species respecting the existing natural vegetation and knowing through information panels features varieties.

In addition, is also considering organizing guided tours of the grounds for both school groups as independent. In this way, attendees will have access to crops that may not have ever seen or plant or fruit, as Arganzón or persimmons. Thus, Adams and Eves of our era will choose again to taste the forbidden fruit. With the difference that this time will not sin.


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