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Approved the new Local Action Plan Valdegovía.

In September 2006, Valdegovía´s city council approved of the full council local agenda 21.

The process of the agenda 21 was launched in 2003 and after a lengthy diagnostic process and participation had led to the adoption of the plan of action on the aforementioned date.

The estimated time for implementing the actions contained in the plan of action adopted in 2006 was 6 years.

At this point, this year drew the revision and updating of the action plan for local agenda 21, Valdegovía, but starts the process involved an economic cost in these times of crisis was difficult to address.

To unlock this situation, the Provincial Council of Alava has funded 100% this process, a process that in this case has been shortened since it has come from reports and other documents already developed by the various public administrations that contextualize the moment they are living our municipality from different aspects.

So on 27th December 2010, the Technical Secretariat of Environment of the Provincial Council of Álava sent a letter to all municipalities of the Gang of Añana reporting the possibility of receiving technical support for the revision of its Local Agenda 21 processes.

To support the municipalities involved in the review processes of Local Agenda 21 Environment Department of the Diputación Foral de Álava had hired technical assistance Paisaia, SL

This technical assistance resulted in a methodology and a timetable for the municipalities concerned, such as Valdegovía, should continue to perform the review process, which should be completed before the municipal elections.

This was done:

1 .- From Provincial Councils were required to wishing to participate in this process the need for a representative body, not just the City, but the Administrative Boards.

To date, the City of Valdegovía not have this authority (Commission), so it was due to form.

In the immediacy of the dates and had little time to develop the process (up to local elections), the City Council considered the organizational structure that represented both as a City Council could be the Administrative Boards of Directors of the Council Services Society which Valdegovía administrative boards have representation.

Thus, the February 16, 2011 was established within the Board of Directors of the Company`s Services Committee of the Local Agenda 21, Valdegovía.

Among the Commission on Agenda 21 and the consultant Paisaia (commissioned by County Council to lead the process of updating the Plan of Action Agenda 21 Valdegovía) agreed to take this process as participatory as possible to completion. So the Commission proposed that the municipal oposión (Group Valdegovía) should be present in this commission so that the resulting extended invitation to the Association Valdegovía.

Then put the dates of planned meetings in the process and gave input to the participation of local technicians for each of them to make contributions as they deemed necessary to the Plan of Action.

Following the conclusion of the scheduled meetings, and the Citizen`s Forum produced a draft with the new Plan of Action Valdegovía Agenda 21 was validated by a majority in Full Council on 2 May 2011. As of now we have 8 years left to run the actions it contains.


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