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Saturday 23rd april: “Kalejira festival- protest "in favor of the lecture hall of the ESO Valdegovía

Yesterday we met in Villanueva met and decided to mobilize in Easter. We wanted to make visible the injustice, the form and substance with which it has carried out the closing of our classrooms of the ESO in Valdegovía, by the Department of Education.

The decision of the Department of Education was taken in a period of course, and late. What happened was the fathers and mothers cannot choose the centre for their children and are seen obligated by the Department to go to Nanclares, yes or yes. Because the fees are already realized. Without allowing the fathers and mothers the option legitimate to decide a center for their children’s, either in Nanclares or Vitoria. Again the Department of Education is touching the incoherent and illegal.

The Saturday of the 23rd of April at 1pm midday we concentrate on the fronton of Espejo and take a holiday-protest kalejira and participatory, for all the neighbours and neighbours of Valle, are open to all which pass through the Easter holidays, for all the positions they enjoy the Kalejira.

And it’s not just the way we think that delegation is deciding for us with the argument of improving the education which our children receive, without accounting our arguments to keep the classrooms of the ESO in Valdegovía.

Do not cut education in the region of Añana We wait for all to spread the word…. Ongi etorri!!


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