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Communal doctors´diagnosis. An initiative created by our doctors

A group of doctors from the area (Valdegovía-Salinas and Lantarón) has sent us this document to distribute to all residents.

“Dear neighbours,
In the nineties, the UAP was created (the “Primary Attention Unit”) which attends to a community formed by three different councils: Valdegovía, Lantarón and Añana, which lie to the west of Álava. According to data from Eustat from 2008, this aforementioned collection of communities has a total of 2293 inhabitants.

The basic health zone and its 5 centres of Primary Attention: Salinas de Añana, Espejo, Villanueva de Valdegobía, Bergüenda and Salcedo-Lantarón is controlled by Valley 1 and, together with the UAP of Valley 2, they form the region of Valleys in Álava.
The Valley 1 team comprises 6 doctors, 4 nurses and a shared paediatrician. The group has been created through community activities formed by members of the UAP with the objective of involving everyone in analysing our problems and identifying what we need in order to stay healthy.

In this way, we would like to:

- reinforce the central role of the citizen in caring for his/her own health

- develop the health services across a community-wide base

- give the community the opportunity to participate in the social control of planning and evaluating health services

- promote a coordinated health approach from various sectors, coordinated with each other

How we are going to do it?


- introducing what is known as “Community Diagnosis,” which is nothing more than the study and knowledge of the community where the diagnosis is established and the establishment of a programme of intervention according to the results of this diagnosis. We are working on this and shortly we will contact the existing associations and services within the zone

- Education workshops focussing on health and topics which interest you, the citizens, the most, according to the survey that we have distributed to you. We will propose 3 topics that we are going to review briefly and discuss in the school in Valdegovía, town hall in Valdegovía, advice room and in the town hall of Lantaron. These three will be:

1) First Aid

2) Nutrition

3) Changes in posture and prevention of pressure ulcers

What do we expect from you?

THAT YOU GET INVOLVED! Fill in the questionnaire that we have distributed and attend the activities and meetings that we are organising.

Many thanks.


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