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Geological Day: 8th of May 2001 in Salinas de Añana

We would like to inform you all about an interesting activity taking place during the month of May.

On Sunday the 8th of May a themed excursion will take place across the Diapiro de Salinas, origin of the minerals gypsum and salt. The itinerary will be from Caicedo to Salinas de Añana. To take part, please confirm your attendance by phoning 945014541 or emailing

The “Geogological Day” excursion to Álava will try to deepen our knowledge into what diapiros are and from where these curious geological structures originate, at a level intelligible to non-specialists. To this end, our itinerary will begin near the Lake Caicedo Yuso, on the outside of the diapiro. Along the route, you will see the edge of the salt planes and how the horizontal layers manage to arrange themselves in a vertical form. The geological principles present within the structure will be analysed and the sources and the reasons behind the hyper-salinity will be explained. Finally, at the end of the salt valley, the consequences that the saline intrusion could have on the surroundind materials will be stressed.

Along the way, we will take the opportunity to comment upon the history and function of the salt planes and at the end there is the opportunity to visit the old gypsum mine in Paúl, which will be arranged according to the timetable and interest of participants.

Geodía_Salinas de Añana.doc


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