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Protests in support of the school during Potato Fair

During the last Potato Fair, held in Espejo on 20 February 2011, parents of students in the College Gaubea in Valdegovía conducted various acts of protest in defense of maintaining the current cycle of the ESO in the school (the standard form of Spanish secondary education.)

The collection of signatures in support of the claim was successful and had the support of visitors and residents of Valdegovía alike. We understand that the maintenance of the existing type of education is essential for the future of Valdegovía

Parents of students had their own stall at the fair, where they explained the situation of the school and plans by the Ministry of Education of the Basque Government to abolish the ESO in school to save money. There are many other ways to save money while respecting the rights of children 11- to-12 years to study close to their families without having to undertake long journeys.


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