ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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The works are ruining me

The problem created by the works of Villanueva bridge has reached the media. On this occasion, Euskadi Direct, the morning edition of February 21, 2011 was approaching Villanueva de Valdegovía an Nograro for issues that the work of the bridge is causing neighbours and businesses. Specifically, the owner of the Country House and Restaurant Arauko, Arantxa Revuelta said the dramatic situation in which it is after 3 months with virtually no customers. The demolition of the bridge has made access very hard to Nograro with clients who have stopped coming to the restaurant.

From the Business Association we support Arantxa Revuela in its request for financial assistance from the Provincial Council of Álava, in compensation for the losses incurred by several months without access.


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