ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Renovation of the bridge over the river Omecillo will close 3 business

The works have involved the demolition of the bridge and traffic disruption during an unspecified period, until replaced by a new bridge. This is seriously affecting the three local businesses: the restaurant Casa Arauko in Nograro, the Supermarket in Villanueva and Gaubea Batzoki. They will close or have closed their set on a dramatic personal and financial situation.

As partners in our Business and Entrepreneurs Association has conveyed its concern to us and we have requested our support. Obviously, our determination is to help put everything in our power. Between measures we considered to refer the issue to Ararteko, General Assemblies, the Basque Parliament and even lawsuits to defend their interests.

During the Potato Fair will be carried out protest actions in view of the council refuses to date, to give a proper solution to the problem created.

If we do nothing we may need a new journey, a new bridge and 3 least Valdegovía business. Is this the best way to manage a public work?

We uploaded this note to our Web Blog for you to express your support and solidarity. Here`s the link:

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