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Aitor César Azcarate, architect, on the silos and their use

Aitor Azcárete Caesar is one of the most important architects in Spain. He is currently developing the new stadium for the football team Athetic Bilbao, the San Mames Barria and has developed projects such as the Plaza de Pau Casal, regeneration of the Metros station Bolueta, the Bilbao Exhibition Center and the support structure of the International Pavilion at Expo Zaragoza.

Aitor Azcarate Caesar wrote his doctoral thesis on the topic of long-lost cathedrals. The National Network of Silos in Spain (1949-1990) A title that suggests ideas for possible uses of the silo in Villamaderne / Espejp.

In February 2011 in the newspaper "Bilbao" released by the Bilbao Town Council1, they published an extensive interview. Here, you can read one of the questions and answers given by the architect.

Question: You have written a rather unusual doctoral thesis, studying 667 silos scattered throughout the Spanish peninsula, built over 41 years, requiring you to travel thousands of kilometres. Is there any particular reason for having chosen this topic?

Answer: I have always been interested in architecture, especially the works of anonymous authors who are not known but are capable of transmitting certain values worthy of praise. The grain silos belonging to this type of architecture. They have been done mostly by agricultural engineers and have not had the necessary recognition from the field of architecture for being, in my opinion, great architectural pieces. My work attempts to rescue these buildings from oblivion, which were built in the twentieth century throughout Spain, through an exhaustive cataloguing of type, a careful graphic reinterpretation and through the prism of a personal architectural and photographic vision.

So now we have another reason to think about the silo.


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