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Geoloday: A free trip to Valderejo on geology (25th April)

Geoloday is a free trip, open to all and is about the popularisation of geology. This year the Álava Geoloday will take place at Valderejo Nature Park.

Come and discover one of the most interesting landscapes in Álava!

• The bus will leave at 8:30am from the university car park on Calle Nieves Cano in Vitoria-Gasteiz and at 9:15am from the car park in Espejo.

• The excursion will begin at 10am at the Valderejo Nature Park Centre of Interpretation in Lalastra

• We will arrive in Herrán at 2pm

Until we reach Herrán, every now and then stops will be made so that the supervisor can give you explanations on the geology of the area.

If you want to take part, you will have to confirm by calling: 945 353 146


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