ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Series of Talks on Regeneration in the Primary Sector in Añana

The ADR of Añana is organizing a series of talks focused on regeneration in the primary sector, aimed at farmers, ranchers, and anyone interested in regenerative agriculture and soil health.

The series will begin on September 25 and will take place in various locations, addressing key practices to promote regeneration and sustainability in the use of local resources.

Dates and Topics:

  • September 25: Regeneration in the Primary Sector (Lantarón, 9:00)
  • October 9: Healthy Soils, Fertile Soils. The Importance of Soil Health (Berantevilla, 9:00)
  • October 23: Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Healthy and Fertile Soils (Kuartango, 9:00)

The aim of this series is to raise awareness and provide tools to professionals in the sector to manage local resources more sustainably, promoting soil health and practices that support the regeneration of local ecosystems.

Join us! To register or request more information, you can contact the ADR of Añana by phone at 945 332 118 or 650 288 655, or send an email to

Ciclo charlas Añana.-esppdf.pdf


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