ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Día de los Castillos (Day of the castles) in Zambrana: Zabalate (Portilla) and Lanos (Ocio)

On the 8th June 2013 "Día de los castillos/Gazteluen eguna" (Day of the castle) will be celebrated in the Zambrana town hall. The day is organised by the neighbours, the cultural and sports associations, the town councils and the town hall.

The objective for the day is to get to know the society of our heritage through a festival day that strengthens relations between those that live there and also all those who are interested in the heritage. For this reason, it is an open day for all those who want to participate.

The programme of the day is structured into:

-8km walk to the Berganzo church tower, Lanos Castle and Zabalate Castle.
-Food with the colaboration of Luis Angel Plágaro from the Plagaro Kitchen
-Activities for children and the elderly.


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