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Course for the Use of Tablets: Villanueva in Valdegovia 11th June

In cooperation with the Computer Management Centre in Kz Gunea, a new course has been organised surround the Tablet. The course will teach you how to use this tool and use the Android operating system.

The Android operating system is mainly for use on mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and others. This system, in general, manages applications like Google Play.

The tablet works like a computer, only more orientated towards multimedia, reading and searching the web rather than for professional use.

The duration of the course is divided between two days.

Place : Kzgunea in the Main library in Valdegovia

Day : 11th June 2013

Time : 10 am to 1pm

If you are interested, get in contact with the Main Library in Valdegovia. The course is free.
Telephone number: 945 353042


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